Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Is it fall yet?

I have a major case of fall fever!!! I'm SOOOO over 100+ temperatures with 100% humidity!
Now living in the Houston area, we get maybe a good solid week of perfect fall weather and those days don't usually get here until late November! So when we get those days, we savour them!
Here's a list of my fall favorites:
- crisp mornings
- leaves changing colors
- football on Sundays while eating a hot bowl of something
- jeans, sweaters & boots
- visits to the pumpkin patch
- decorating with fall colors
- being able to open the house windows
- flannel pajamas
- lighting the fireplace for the 1st time
- getting ready for Halloween and Thanksgiving
- hunting season
- snuggling with Johnny on the couch
Monday, August 24, 2009
1st day of Pre-K
A walk down memory lane
Thursday, August 20, 2009
August updates & happenings
- Bedtime is still a struggle but he DID sleep through the night twice this week, I'd say that's progress!
- Dinner time has been a success...cleaned his plate every night!
- Temper tantrums are slowing down. We did have an incident Tuesday, that involved a book and my head but I nipped that in the bud REAL quick...if ya know what I mean!
- He's using his manners more, i.e saying please, thank you and may I.
- He did have 2 accidents at school again but promised he would try really hard to not have any more "assidents" heehee!!!
- Not destroying AS much but still harassing the cats...Miss Kitty will retaliate by pooping right outside his bedroom door, thanks Miss Kitty!
On a side note, Tuesday was my Mom's 59th birthday. John and I went to get her a card and he picked out one that plays music when you open was $9.99! HOLY crap! I HAD to get it b/c HE picked it out for "Ganny". So my mom celebrated by going to the Paul McCartney concert in Dallas last night. He only made 10 stops in the U.S. She and I had been to one years ago when I was living in Dallas and it was a great concert! Wish I could have made this one but it's okay...Happy Birthday Mom!!
John's school starts back up in a week. Even though he's not in official "big" school, he will be in a new class and learning all kinds of new things. I'm more excited than he is...I had to explain to him that all his friends would be moving into the new class with him, which made him happier. So we have to go school supply shopping next week, fun times!
In other news...we're supposed to be going to Illinois in October for GiGi's birthday. Well I've been checking flights since I found out about this trip and wow...I don't know if we'll fly! Tickets from Houston to St. Louis are running about $250 round trip. That, of course, doesn't include the luggage fees that Continental JUST raised to $30 per bag(which I think is ridiculous, but that's another post). So we're looking at almost $1000 for a weekend trip! UUUHHH, I'm thinking driving sounds WAY better! Tim's parents offered to pay for our tickets but I really don't like the idea. I would much rather drive 13 hours & pay our way than fly 2 hours and make someone else pay for it. I've even checked Southwest & it would still cost us $850 plus we'd have to drive to Hobby. So I'm praying to the airline god's that the prices will magically drop to $100 round trip! Wouldn't that be awesome!!!!
Friday, August 07, 2009
Feeling old!
In an attempt to meet one of my many goals for the year, I cleaned my closet (Tim's too) last night with the intent to take most of the items to resale or a donation box. I took what I thought would sell easliy to Plato's Closet....WELL it did not go as planned!!!!
The teeny-bopper behind the counter started going through my stuff, she made a pile for keepers and a pile for returns. When she was done, she hands me a huge return pile of shoes, pants, dresses, etc. She then proceeds to tell me that this stuff is "TOO MATURE" for their store! OMG! hahahaha!
In the end they took one pair of shoes and 5 pairs of jeans and I got $55. That's better than nothing.
Guess I'm gonna try the resale in Conroe, where they take "more mature" apparel!
Terrible 2's & horrible 3's????