Wednesday, June 30, 2010

July 7th, 2010... hopefully the day Wyatt Edward Spengel will make his entrance in the world. I went to the Dr. today and it was decided to schedule an induction on the actual due date...I knew this would happen. It's the exact same situation as it was with John. I'm fine with it and actually prefer to be induced. Hopefully, Wyatt will cooperate just like John did and make a smooth entrance.

And if you didn't notice...we decided on a name! FINALLY! Wyatt is just a name we had thrown out there when we found out we were having another boy. We both liked it and as time passed it really grew on us. Edward is my dad's middle name so it was an easy one. So Wyatt Edward was agreed on with a hand shake! I really like it and I just know it's gonna fit this little guy perfectly. more week and Wyatt will officially be here! I'm so excited and ready!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Things that make me happy...

Neon pink nail polish! We're talking 1980's neon pink! I just love this color and think it's perfect for summertime. It helps that it makes me look tan, too.

As I was painting my toes, John comes over to watch and proclaims, "that pink is sooo boo-ti-ful"

Monday, June 21, 2010

Split chin

Well Saturday did not go exactly how I planned! It started out great...Tim had to work and John and I had a list of errands to run. We started off by taking Foster to the groomer for his "summer haircut". He doesn't particularly care for the groomer but always feels so much better when he gets all that hair off. I'll have to take a picture of him...he looks so cute..kinda like a deer!

Anyway, after we dropped him off we ran into Academy, which is conviently right next door, to get John some new shoes. We managed to get new flip flops, crocs and sneakers. Success!  

From there we headed to Suds Car Wash, I needed to get my oil changed and decided to go there so I could get it washed and vaccumed as well. Here's where the day goes south...after the oil change, we went into the car wash part and were patiently waiting. I was sitting in a chair and John was playing in their "kid area".  He comes over to where I am and decides to hoist himself up between the chair I'm sitting in and the empty one next to me. Before I can even say, "You need to get down b/c you might fall"...he falls! Face first on the hard tile floor. Of course he immediately starts whaling and I start investigating the damage. No teeth missing... good.... but bleeding profusely from his chin...great! Sure enough he's got maybe a 1/4 inch cut. So we run up to the front desk and I ask for the manager to see if he has a first aid kit. He comes out and takes us back to his office where he opens up the mother of all first aid kits. Seriously, he had enough supplies for a small clinic! He was the nicest man and was genuinely concerned...even offered to call an ambulance. haha, I graciously told him that wasn't necessary. We got the wound all cleaned and bandaged and headed over to Grandma and Poppy's house since they weren't too far from the car wash to see if they had any butterfly bandages. I decided against a trip to the ER since the cut was pretty small and to be honest the idea of sitting there for 4+ hours just made me cringe. They didn't have any butterfly bandages but Poppy graciously ran to the store to get some. After two attempts from me and Grandma to apply the darn thing, I finally got it closed and bandaged.

John did surprisingly well! He stopped crying pretty quickly after the fall. I don't think it hurt as much as it scared him. I'm pretty proud of him...and I'm proud of myself! I didn't freak out ...I was calm and collected. Not at all how I imagined myself to be! hahaha...guess I'm finally getting the hang of this mom thing!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Meet Bob...

This is Bob...Bob is my Dad's pride and joy. My Dad found him a couple of years ago running around on a street, so my dad stopped and picked him up so he wouldn't get hit. The rest is history! This dog is something special. His personality is super unique and John just loves Bob and wants him to live with us. Bob goes with my Dad everywhere..I'm not kidding.

Anyway, Bob has been through the ringer in his lifetime. Since my Dad has adopted him, he's been hit by a car which resulted in a large gash on his side, been bit by my parent's other dog, been stung in the butt by a bee and recently somehow managed to break his leg...although noone knows how this happened! As you can see he's in a cast and halo and will stay this way for 4 weeks! Poor thing, he looks pretty pitiful!

As you can tell, we're a family of animal lovers!

Monday, June 14, 2010

This is Foster...he is our first baby. We got him July 4th weekend 2000. He's a full blood Australian Shepard and the biggest teddy bear you will ever meet.

Tim took him to the vet today b/c he's been having some tummy pooping and peeing on my floor even after he's been outside all day!!! Nice huh! So after two days of this, I had enough. The good news is, the vet thinks he's is great health considering his age. He's technically 66 in human years...he's an old man...makes me sad! The bad news is the vet thinks he may have some weird worm. So he's got a special powder I have to apply to his food nightly for several days. Hopefully this will take care of this pesky parasite that has been wreaking havoc in our house for the past week.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Happy 7th Anniversary Timmy

Our engagement picture..we look soo young!

Seven years ago today, I married my best friend! Hard to believe it's been 7 years already...we dated for 6 before we ever got married so needless to say we're very used to each other by now!

On our honeymoon

These 7 years have flown by and our lives have changed so much since June 7, 2003. It's funny to think back on what was important to us then and what is important to us now. Funny how life changes and I'm so glad I've had him to share the changes with.

Happy anniversary babe!

Penny & Hoop

Meet Penny and Hoop...

the newest additions to the Spengel family...thanks to my dad...feather footed Bantum chickens. We were told they were both roosters but I'm pretty sure the red one (Penny) is a hen. Hoop, the black one, is way more agressive and does all the crowing. My mom came into town Saturday morning for a visit and brought these two with the backseat of her car...her nice car! HA! 

Here's the background story...Tim has been talking about getting chickens for a while now.
He's researched breeds, coups, etc. but we just haven't had the time or wanted to spend the money quite yet.  Anyway, Tim happened to mention to my dad that he wanted to get some chickens...well that's all my dad needed!

So yesterday we spent the afternoon creating a temporary pen until Tim can order the one he really wants. We made a trip up to the feed store to get supplies... watering can, feed bucket and of course feed. Once we get the real coup purchased and set up, the plan is get more chickens. 

I'm fine with the idea mainly because I'm excited about having fresh eggs and chickens aren't really all that hard to maintain. Plus I grew up with chickens and have many fond memories of gathering eggs and taking scraps out to them.

How does John like Penny & Hoop, you ask? Well he LOVES them! He thinks they're pretty cool. So much so that he took a picture of them to school today to show all his friends!

The Spengel family roster stands at:

3 humans + one on the way
2 dogs - Foster & Wrangler
2 cats - Miss Kitty & Miller
1 goldfish - Kaylee
2 chickens - Penny & Hoop

Friday, June 04, 2010

Country life at it's best

You definitely live in the country when your husband runs into the house to grab his rifle b/c he's spotted some water moccasins near the pond's edge. And your son declares. "cool, daddy's gunna shoot up som' snakes, mama!". If only I had a picture of his face at that moment...I've never seen him so happy was a look of pure joy!
Disclaimer: I did not take this picture....those things freak me out!

So that was the big excitement at our house last night. I can honestly say it's never dull around our house!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

35 week update, Happy Birthday Tim and Summer fun

Today I'm 35 weeks and the final countdown has begun. Baby S is growing accordingly and his heartbeat is strong. The Dr. still thinks he'll come around July 7th but that all could change as the month goes on. All I know is I'm sooo ready to have this kiddo. I'm at the stage where no matter what position I'm in, I'm uncomfortable...needless to say I'm a real joy most of the time. Poor Timmy and John, they have to put up with me for 4 more weeks.

In other Spengel news, today is Tim's 34th birthday! Yea! We're going to dinner tonight with the whole family to celebrate. I picked up a banana cream cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory b/c let's face it, I'm challenged when it comes to cooking! Last night John asked Tim where he was going to have his birthday party? It was sooo cute. He just couldn't understand why Daddy wasn't having a birthday party. Happy birthday Tim!!!

Summer session at John's school has started and b/c he's in the pre-k class he gets to go on all the field trips...meaning he gets to ride in the "big kid van". This alone, makes his day! The school literally has an activity planned for everyday of the work week...bowling, putt putt, Incredible Pizza, Pump it Up, swimming at the Rec center, visits to the park, the list goes on and on. Yesterday day they had Tumble Team and today was ice cream sundaes at the park but he got to skip today. Today, Grandma and Aunt Stephy took all 5 grandkids down to the museum district to visit the butterfly exhibit and to check out the IMAX movie about dolphins and whales. Needless to say he was very excited and all I can say is Grandma and Aunt Stephy are brave brave souls!!!