Today I had a dr's appt and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I'm 13 weeks and just past the critical point. All is well with me and the baby...whew! You see, this time last year I was recovering from a miscarriage that happened at this same time frame...well actually 12 weeks 4 days to be exact. It was the scariest, most eye opening experience of my life.
Needless to say this whole pregnancy has been spent playing, "what if". What if I miscarry again or what if something ends up being wrong with the baby...thoughts that never crossed my mind when I was pregnant with John. I let fear completely take over which makes me sad...sad because I didn't put my full trust in God. I know better. I know that He is almighty and glorious and deserves my trust.
So today I'm giving it all up to God. My fear, anxiety, nerves, questions..all of it. He already knows what will happen and I have to trust in matter what the outcome.
It's amazing how much better I feel just by typing those words. God is truly great!