Monday, June 29, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Father's Day fun
Friday, June 19, 2009
Possums really DO "play possum"

Just a side note, we live on 10 acres, with a natural spring fed pond in our back yard. The pond is inhabitated with beavers. We've seen snakes, deer, coyotes, you name it...we're not strangers to wildlife.
Back to the story...I let our dogs out in the backyard before I went to bed not realizing the back gate was open. So, 1:30ish I'm awoken to John crying. I got him situated again and went back downstairs to let the pups in. I opened the door to the back dogs. I proceed to the side door, off the kitchen which opens to the deck. I barely got the door open and here comes Wrangler barreling at me with something in his mouth (it's bitch black and all I see are shapes). He makes in the door and thud....a very LARGE furry animal. At this point, I had no idea what it was but I couldn't get to the lightswitch fast enough.
Lightswitch on...OH MY GOD (that's exactly what I said but just a few octaves higher)! It was the largest possum I have ever seen! It looked freshly mauled and we assumed it was dead. I ran into our room to get Tim. Tim scrambles into the garage to get something to move the possum back outside. So he pushes it out with a broom and says he'll move it with a shovel in the morning and walks away. I'm thinking, great we're gonna have this possum carcus hanging out on the deck which will attrach other varmits but he wasn't gonna mess with then so I didn't push it. Well as soon as he walked away, I looked down and the possum's body starts moving. Tim just thought it was probably just it's dying muscle contractions. I shut the door and attempted to go back to bed but couldn't help wonder if that possum was alive.
My alarm went off at 5:30 this morning and the first thing I did was go and check on it....sure enough, the possum was GONE!!!! He was totally playing possum on us! I mean we're actually lucky, b/c possums are mean and carry all kinds of diseases so I'm glad he was playing possum!
It was quite an experience!
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
John's "grill" - UPDATE
Update - I just got back from John'sTomorrow is a big day in the Spengel household. John is having his first dental visit! Now, there are many opinions as to when is the appropriate age to visit the dentist for the first time. Some "people" suggest taking them as early at 1 1/2 and others suggest waiting until they're a little older.
1st dentist appointment and it went SOOOO well! He did great! He let them clean, polish and even use the flouride! I am still in shock but very proud of him!
As for the "dark" front tooth, the Dr. confirmed that
he definitely damaged the tooth but said to just watch it. If it gets any darker
or starts to hurt, we'll have to go to a pediatric dentist and have a cap put
on. LUCKILY...they do offer white caps vs the silver! THANK
I chose to wait simply b/c I know my child and I know he's gonna lose his mind as soon as we walk in!
So I made the appointment thinking that the visit would be just like when I go in for a cleaning. NOT SO...the nurse right off the bat, told me that we'd maybe be there for 30 minutes. Apparently, this is just a "get to know the instruments/teach how to brush" appointment. The Dr. will attempt to do a cleaning but if the child puts up any resistance, he stops. Which makes perfect sense! Whew...what a relief to know that I don't have to restrain or gas him!
Other than the regular check-up, I made the appointment because it looks like one of John's front top, big teeth is about to fall out.
Let me explain....he was clowning around in my bathroom about a month ago. He fell and hit his mouth on the travertine floor...there was blood but it looked like it was only coming from his lip. Well now I think it may have been coming from that tooth too, b/c the whole tooth is turning gray. Like smoky gray! CRAP! It just started turning about 2 weeks ago and it's progressively gotten worse.
The good news is, it's a baby tooth. The bad news is, if he loses it, I think he may have to get one of those silver cap teeth. Great, my kid's gonna have "grill" at three!

Thursday, June 04, 2009
Rantin' and shoppin'
Labels: Rantin' and shopping'
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Happy Birthday Timmy!
Steamed lobster tail....yummy!
Labels: Happy Birthday Timmy