Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Anyone seen a goldfish?

Note: Not our acutal aquarium but similar

Baffled...completely baffled!!! Yesterday, I went to feed John's fish Kalee. She's usually ready and waiting. This time however she wasn't there. I tapped on the glass thinking maybe she was hiding in her plastic bush/tree thingy... nothing! So I walked around the tank and there was no sign of Kalee. I mean NO sign.

The only thing I can think of is that one of our cats managed to maneuver her out of the bowl...but I'm not sure how that would work considering there is a light and pump on top.  I guess it is possible.

VERY strange!

So now the tank sits empty but still runs b/c I haven't had the heart to tell John that Kalee has gone to heaven. Guess I need to run to PetSmart....

Friday, November 11, 2011

YMCA Dragon Boat

Each year, The Woodlands YMCA sponsors a corporate Dragon Boat race. We were able to talk our management into sponsoring a team. We were probably the smallest and most inexperienced team there but we still had a good time and did suprisingly well in the race.

We vow to win next year!!

Patty receiving her "flag grabber" training
 Carri & I..the lead rowers...not sure what we were thinking
 Ty, the drummer
Team Photo

Birthday parties with new friends

Since John has started Covenant Christian, he has really grown....spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. I'm just amazed how much he's changed in such a short period of time. I'm so glad God steered us to make the decision to send him to this school. It has been such a blessing!

He's made many new friends and with that comes birthday parties! So far he's been invited to 5 parties but only able to attend 4. The last we he went to was for his friend Chance & it was a skating party. I was pumped b/c I thought I'd get to skate as well but once we got there and I saw no other parent was skating, I figured I should refrain...dang it! He was a little timid at first but by the end of the party he didn't even need the "skate mate".

John using the "skate mate"

John & friends

Update time!!

Wow...when did life get so busy?!? I cannot believe it's already November and I cannot believe the last time I blogged was August.

Things have been super crazy the past couple of months and blogging has really fell to the wayside. I'm gonna attempt to play catch up...bare with me!