New stuff

Hi everyone! I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated this thing....!
Let's see, John is growing like a weed and talking up a storm. He just recently learned "NO"! So he's mastered mama, dada, GG (great grandmother), dog, ball, booboo, and occasional random words. He's quite the talker!
Our summer has been pretty laid back. We purchased a small kiddie pool and John's enjoyed playing in it when it's not raining. He did have his first wasp sting...on the head! He handled it pretty well!
July 4th was spent at home. Tim's family came over and we cooked hamburgers and shot off fire works in the cul de sac. Isabella and John had fun! They always do!
The rest of the summer is going to be pretty quite. Not much planned. Tim's got a guys golf weekend in August and I'll be heading to Dallas for a baby shower. That's about it! Real exciting huh!